Untitled Untitled
Jocelyn Alba
Ivelesse Allers
Rumiko Aoyama
Grace Araya
Gail Bain
Christine Balletta
Lucille Banks
Margaret Banks
Toni Bell
Madelaine Bertino
Angela Blazev
Claudine Brown
Linda Brull
Carmen Canales
Eileen Casey
Kathleen Casey
Patricia Casey
Margaret Cassidy
Catherine Cawley
Jeanne Cieri
Carol Clark
Catherine Cleary
Marcella Clifford
Mary Colbert
Gloria Collantes
Rosemarie Collins
Judith Conway
Elizabeth Correa
Eileen Daly
Monica D'Ambrosio
Mary Ann Desmond
Anna Deubel
Andrea Deusebio
Evelyn Devine
Alice Dones
Patricia Dowd
Rebecca Erwin
Susan Esposito
Martha Estevez
Carol Fagello
Alice Fennell
Janet Finigan
Mary Ann Flaherty
Mary Ann Gallagher
Elizabeth Garrity
Maria George
Sheila Gildea
Lynn Giordano
Karen Graham
Margaret Grant
Eileen Hanley
Regina Hannon
Virginia Hanratty
Willa Harvey
Diane Katanik
Helene Keane
Mary Kelly
Mary Kenny
Linda Kuhner
Nancy Labrada
Michele Lambeau
Rose Lede
Carol Lynch
Noreen Lyons
Margaret MacAleer
Gloria MacGarry
Aleta Marino
Patricia Marsell
Angela Martell
Audre Martin
Doreen Martucci
Mary Mascetti
Linda Matos
Marghretta McBean
Frances McMahon
Gail Meade
Arlene Middleton
Linda Migliorelli
Ramona Mitchell
Kathleen Moran
Judy Muniz
Joan Nonenbacker
Clare Ann O'Connell
Noreen O'Connor
Helen O'Grady
Kathleen O'Leary
Kathleen Petrausch
Kathleen Reidy
Ana Rodriquez
Dorothy Ryan
Jane Ryan
Theresa Ryan
Sandra Salinas
Nancy Sciblo
Rosemary Spamer
Kyoko Suzuki
Mary Tonry
Joyce Twomey
Yvonne Ungaro
Rosa Vasquez
Lorraine Villalobos
Mary Agnes Wall
Josephine Watson
Leslie Williams
Marion Woods

Marghretta McBean

Personal Marghretta Professional
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 Marghretta now

I graduated from Washington Square College in 1971(New York University) with a major in Classical Philology (Greek and Latin) and a minor in Mathematics (I hated Calculus, so even though I had enough credits for a major, I didn't have the Advanced Calculus).

In 1983, I received a M.S. in Management Information Systems with a specialty in Database Design and Security from City College (City University of New York). By attending full time night classes and working full time days, I was able to finish in 1½ years.

My love of music, dance and the fine arts continues unabated. Diane Katanik and I have had subscription seats to New York City Ballet for almost 30 years. Between the Museum of Modern Art's Film Department and Netflix, I see close to 300 movies per year. Museums and art galleries are visited frequently, both the "standards" and new-on-the-scene.

Gardening and green spaces are very important to me. I have had a plot in my community garden for over 30 years. I have been very active with the Green Guerillas, which fights for and preserves green spaces in New York City. I'm also a member of the Indoor Gardening Society of America, as my dozen of houseplants will attest.

I have been a volunteer at Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic since 1985, reading primarily computer and mathematics books, as well as any Latin or Greek that shows up on occasion I've been volunteering at New York City Ballet for over ten years. Using my computer skills I designed the volunteer database application. I am also a captain for the NYCB school matinees.

Everyday starts with a simple yoga asana. I alternate daily between running or weight lifting. I'm a firm believer of "healthy mind in a healthy body" (mens sana in sana corpore). A former long time member of the New York Road Runners, I now run with the New York Hash House Harriers On, On!).

XantheI'm a single mother of a charming daughter, Xanthe Anastasia Jansen. Xanthe attended the Birch Wathen School from 1st to 12th grade. She studied at Bard College in Annadale-on-Hudson and graduated with a degree in English Literature. She now lives "down the block" from the Academy.


Memberships in various professional, business and civic associations including the Association for Women in Computing , Women in Technology , She was a panel member at the American Arbitration Association for four years.

Appointed by the Manhattan Borough President, I served as a member of Community Board 4 for six years, where I was the Chairwoman of the Small Business Committee; Board Secretary; and a member of the Education & Cultural Affairs Committee.

Fixed Earth Enterprises Inc. is a minority woman-owned company incorporated 1985 in the State of New York. It provides computer services to the business community, specialising in systems analysis and database design. With over 20 years of experience, it offers a full range of services for experienced users as well as for businesses automating their operations for the first time.

Edible Fantasiestm is the catering subsidiary of Fixed Earth Enterprises Inc. From dinner parties to desserts, it offers delicious food made with love, talent and wholesome ingredients.

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